
liftstar powered pallet truck ncrease in all-electric vehicle operations

Increase in all-electric vehicle operations, minimize the use of long distances acceleration, when fully electric cars started rising after the speed increase , stabilize the accelerator pedal , such as better roads , Stacker will continue to accelerate. When Stacker need to slow down, relax the accelerator pedal , gently depress the brake pedal , which can take full advantage of deceleration energy and, if elevated all-electric vehicle with liftstar regenerative braking , the kinetic energy can be recovered during deceleration . When the vehicle ramp down, do not disconnect the all-electric vehicle drive motor circuit rises gently depress the brake pedal to make all-electric vehicles running on elevated regenerative braking , the kinetic liftstar Hand pallet jacks energy of the downstream use of the vehicle , reducing battery energy consumption. 
remain elevated all-electric vehicle driving state standards , fork forks when traveling from the ground 10-20 cm from the ground , when the all-electric car to stop rising , fell to the ground level with fork ; traveling in poor when operating under road conditions , appropriate to reduce its weight and should be increased all-electric vehicles to reduce speed . 

