
especially the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta

Chinese forklift industry how to do? Chinese more than 100 low-level handling equipment is in fact consuming production resources. Smart entrepreneurs should abandon that tradition competition recap Western industrial giants vehicle family Hand stacker. That is the path we must walk their walk.
We are pleased to see that in China's coastal areas, especially the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta. The first round of capital involved forklift service provider's action has already begun. This indicates that, in the future there will be more capital and bring excellent management experience to inject forklift industry. China forklift chaos and chaotic the situation was about to be curbed. Industry norms will herald some companies will go bankrupt, some people will be unemployed.
In the new pattern of global industrial vehicles, Chinese enterprises will face enormous pressure and the attendant challenges. China's economic growth, in fact, cover up foreign brands in China's market share quietly improved. Those who rely on low-end products and price shocks and the market share of the era will be gone forever. Undoubtedly require Chinese forklift industry practitioners alert! In the new era of the pattern, the strong stronger and the weak weaker!

