
manual hydraulic stacker, electric stacker fork How to Repair

Recommend manual forklift hydraulic jacking force, truck, manual hydraulic stacker, electric stacker fork How to Repair
Manual forklifts, manual stacker, electric pallet trucks, manual hydraulic stacker, electric stacker fork several types of points, there are other parts, they are mainly what is the function? Electric Stacker in the process of lifting the roller, fork, forks have played a big role, then these parts is how to repair it:
  First, electric stacker forks and fork overhaul
     a, electric stacker fork upper and lower card iron opening size, the standard is 27mm, use limit of 29mm, exceeds this limit, should be promptly repaired.
     b, check the fork upper and lower card iron weld There is no crack, open welding phenomenon, if flawed, then, to promptly repair welding.
     c, for the fork arm and electrics tacker side knuckle parts of the force required testing and inspection, when the cracks, it should timely manner.
     d, winter welded parts can not crack or open welding, beam deformation no larger than 2mm, if the protective frame deformation open welding, should be promptly shaping and re-weld.
     e, fitted backrest and fork, the optional cargo thick pork on a skewer, fork length should be roughly equal.
     f, when the backrest and the fork carriage load when the two forks should remain in the same plane on a single plane, there should not be low, the phenomenon of dislocation.
     g, two tines level difference exceeds 5mm, length difference of more than 10mm, fork length direction wear less than the standard size 40mm, front prongs tied to the ground like a fork or fork bending angle between surface and wishbone larger than 90 ° , these phenomena occur, they should replace or repair.
Second, the electric forklift owners rollers, side rollers overhaul
     Stacker roller owners, signs of wear side of the wheel should be uniform, the wear limit of the diameter along the direction of the main roller is 0.1mm, the side roller is 0.5mm, or should be replaced.

